BERNINA 770 QE アニバーサリー エディション


Picture: BERNINA 770 QE アニバーサリー エディション
Picture: BERNINA 770 QE

BERNINA 770 QE アニバーサリー エディション



BERNINA 770 QE アニバーサリーエディション: キルティング愛好家のみなさん、ゴールドラッシュに参加しましょう!

125年のスペシャル - ゴールデンギフト:



  • 美しい縫製プロジェクトを作成
  • 大きなキルトも容易に仕上がります
  • 刺しゅう機能を搭載



  • 装飾縫いに理想的
  • 長時間の裁縫が可能
  • 創作活動により集中することが可能



  • ミシンが思い出を創る
  • ワンクリックで個人設定を保存
  • ステッチ、パターン、コンビネーションを簡単にインポート/エクスポート



  • 完璧で、均一の長さのステッチを仕上げましょう
  • どんなスピードでも、完璧な出来映え
  • 完全な出来映えが標準になります



  • ステッチのタイプごとに最適な糸張力を設定
  • 最高のステッチ仕上げ
  • ベルニナのイノベーション

愛用品のパッチワーク押え金 97D

愛用品のパッチワーク押え金 97D

  • ストレートステッチ用に設計
  • ¼インチの縫い代をソーイングするのに理想的
  • 経験豊かな縫製職人に、さらに安心感を与えます



  • 縫い目の最後で手作業の糸切りは必要なし
  • 半自動糸切りをお楽しみください
  • 布押えを手で下げる必要がありません



  • 使って楽しい直感的なナビゲーション
  • 適切な針と押え足を見つけます
  • チュートリアルが役に立ちます



  • 特殊な素材も簡単に縫える
  • 滑らかな布やきめ細かな布を均一に送る
  • 裁縫作業が見やすい

* この記念の押え金は24金でメッキされています。金は柔らかい貴金属ですので、擦り傷がつくことがあります。このような擦り傷が機能に影響を及ぼすことはありません。ベルニナ・インターナショナルは擦り傷及び使用の痕跡に対し責任を負うことはありません。




  • 概要
  • ソーイング&キルティング
  • 一般的特徴
  • ミシン刺繍
BERNINA 770 QE アニバーサリー エディション


針の右側のソーイングスペース 254 mm
カラータッチスクリーン 4.3” / 10 cm
釜方式 ベルニナフック
最大ステッチ長さ 9


最大縫い速度 1000
最大ステッチ長さ 9
最大送り長さ 6
針基線 11
自動ボタンホール/ 自動長さ測定ボタンホール
ドラッグ & ドロップ
パターンリピート (最大9回) 1-9
ピボット / ホバー機能
使用ステッチ総数(アルファベットも含む) 992
アルファベット刺しゅう 6
飾りステッチ合計 286
ボタンホール(アイレット含む)合計 13
使用ステッチ合計 30
キルト刺しゅう 50
スタッフィングプログラム 2
針の右側のソーイングスペース 254 mm
ミシンの重量 14 kg
ミシンの寸法 522 / 214 / 358 mm
カラータッチスクリーン 4.3” / 10 cm
ソーイングライト 30
手動糸切り 3
ベルニナ 両方向布送り機能
釜方式 ベルニナフック
ベルニナ フリーハンドシステム(FHS)
ベルニナ キックバック機能付フットコントローラー
最大刺しゅう速度 1000
最大刺繍面積 400x210 mm
統合されたステッチパターン 140
アルファベットステッチ 6
ステッチパターンフォーマット EXP, DST, PES, PEC, JEF, SEW, PCS, XXX
大型刺しゅうモジュール(SDT) オプション


ジャンボフープ機能 (限定刺繡フィールド:400×210mm)



  • 同梱
  • 互換性あり
すべて表示する すべて非表示にする



  • BERNINA 770 QE: The best technology for quilters

    Some sewing. Some quilting. Some huge possibilities. The BERNINA 770 QE combines innovation with plenty of space. The extended free-arm creates an extra-wide work area, with 254 mm space to the right of the needle for large quilt projects. The fast and quiet BERNINA Hook sews high-precision stitches up to 9 mm in width. The bobbin holds up to 70 % more thread than standard bobbins. Both the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR) and the BERNINA Dual Feed come as standard. The BSR ensures beautiful, even stitches when free-motion quilting, whilst the Dual Feed effortlessly handles difficult and fine fabrics, or multiple layers, by feeding from both the top and the bottom. The B 770 QE can also be upgraded with an embroidery module to add a further dimension to your work.

  • 1/10 BERNINA 770 QE: First steps

    The BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE allow even absolute sewing novices to achieve excellent results. This video tutorial will take you through setting up your BERNINA, step by step. This ranges from threading to replacing the presser foot – all done in a few simple steps. The generously proportioned and ultra-clear touch screen with touch stylus pen also means it couldn’t be easier to change settings, such as the winding speed and selected stitches. The scroll function facilitates easier and more intuitive navigation through the program, and tips and further information on the individual functions and stitches are a click away via the Help function. The set-up program also features numerous options for individual settings, which gives you the chance to customise the BERNINA completely in line with your own wishes and preferences – from the language setting and the display colour scheme to the sound settings.

  • 2/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Change stitches

    The BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE make sewing decorative seams fun! Simply use the touch pen to pick out your choice of stitch on the large and clear display and then adjust the width and length of the stitch with the practical multifunction knobs. The decorative stitch menu lets you select your preferred choice of stitch from numerous available options. But that’s not all – you also have plenty of extra scope to fine-tune the selected stitch to get it just the way you want it, play around with the stitch density and length of the pattern or create a mirror image. All this can be configured comfortably on your display, which also lets you preview what the modified stitch will look like beforehand.

  • 3/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Combining letters and stitches

    As you will see in this tutorial, sewing text is child’s play with the BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE, even for total beginners. Simply select a font and type in the text that you want to sew. It is particularly quick and convenient thanks to the clear display and easy handling with the touch pen stylus. Once you have decided on a stitch, you can continue configuring the entire combination until you are satisfied with the end result. To make things easier, you can also use the preview function which illustrates the combination on the display. If your creation looks the part, the combination you have input is then automatically sewn. If you want to reuse your design at a later stage, it is easy to open your personal program and store your combination permanently.

  • 4/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing buttonholes and sewing on buttons

    Sewing buttonholes and sewing on buttons is a breeze with the BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE. All you have to do is choose the buttonhole you want from the menu and then configure the cutting width using the multifunction knobs. BERNINA has also included a particularly smart feature to make sure the buttonhole fits: you can hold the button against the display and then use the multifunction knobs to configure the right button size. Once the buttonhole has been programmed, use the BERNINA buttonhole foot with slide to sew the buttonholes in a single step. This can be repeated as often as you want. You can also save the data for subsequent use. Finally, the optional presser foot number 18 or 20/20C and the button-sewing program make the process of sewing on buttons just as easy.

  • 5/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing with the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)

    Free-motion sewing and quilting – creative techniques that allow you extraordinary scope to create new designs. The BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE will double your sewing fun, because the BERNINA stitch regulator, or BSR for short, makes free-motion quilting child’s play. The BSR foot makes each stitch exactly the same length during free-motion sewing, resulting in a neat and even stitch pattern. After attaching the stitch regulator, you can access configuration options via the display. Novice quilters will appreciate the BSR mode 2, which stops the BERNINA when the fabric is not moved. Letting you work with reassurance and full focus on your sewing piece. All three models offer BSR functionality. The BERNINA 770 QE includes the BERNINA stitch regulator as an accessory on delivery, while it is an optional add-on extra for the BERNINA 720 and 740.

  • 6/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing with Dual Feed

    The BERNINA Dual Feed – one of the smartest and most helpful features you’ll find on the BERNINA 740 and 770 QE. In this tutorial we will show you what this clever helper can do. With simultaneous upper and lower fabric feeds, the Dual Feed allows for precise seam tracking and guarantees accurate results, even with multi-layer, extra-thick or difficult to move textiles. The video instruction clearly shows you how to use it during patchwork or quilting work. It also shows how to successfully handle sewing work when accuracy is crucial, for example when you have to handle patterned fabrics. With multiple fabric layers, the BERNINA Dual Feed feature prevents the individual layers from shifting against each other, even with slippery or badly moving materials such as leather, viscose, silk or elastic. You will be astounded at just how easy and convenient sewing can be with the Dual Feed.

  • 7/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing in zippers

    Sewing in zippers is a task few look forward to. But with the technology of the BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE machines it can be a pleasure, as our video tutorial demonstrates. Simply select the type of fabric and the zipper from the display. The BERNINA then automatically calculates the optimal settings for the stitching and needle position. All you need to do then is to pin the zipper to the fabric, attach presser foot number 4 or 4D and follow the instructions. You have even more control over the sewing process with the needle-stop function. Sewing in the zipper is now almost as if by magic – all with the BERNINA precision you have come to know and love.

  • 8/10 BERNINA 770 QE: First steps when embroidering

    This video tutorial shows you that thanks to clever BERNINA innovations, even absolute beginners can use their BERNINA 720 or 770 QE to create exquisite embroidery. Step-by-step, our instructions show you how to proceed to get the best results – from selecting the settings to installing the embroidery module and changing the stitch plate through to inserting the needle and the right choice of foot and embroidery hoop. All this means you will be ready to tackle your project in no time, accurately and precisely, and even first-timers can expect to produce impressive results.

  • 9/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Single-colour pattern embroidery

    This tutorial will teach you how you can embroider a single-colour pattern with unbeatable accuracy using the BERNINA 720 or 770 QE. The instructions take you step-by-step through the required settings, all conveniently shown on the generously sized display. You will also learn how you can adjust the embroidery motif by turning and scaling your sewing piece – easy and intuitively with the multifunction knob. All the while, the display lets you precisely monitor how the embroidery will be positioned on your material. One particularly clever feature: even a broken thread during the embroidery is no cause for alarm – the thread breakage tool lets you repeat the embroidering process after re-starting in precisely the same spot you were in when the breakage happened. The result? Perfectly embroidered beautiful motifs, precisely matching your piece of sewing.

  • 10/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Care and cleaning

    The designers have thought of your comfort when it comes to cleaning and caring for the BERNINA 720, 740 and 770 QE. In this video tutorial, we will show you how easy it is to look after your BERNINA and ensure many years of trouble-free operation. All parts prone to deposition of dust and textile fibres during sewing are easily accessible and can be cleaned with minimal effort using the care set provided in the delivery package. The instructions show you step-by-step how to prepare your BERNINA for the cleaning process, how to clean and care and the right place to apply a few drops of oil to ensure friction-free, smooth running of components. Simply spread the oil by running a few blank stitches through the unit – and your BERNINA is once again ready for your textile creations.

  • The BERNINA hook – the heart of the BERNINA 7 Series

    The heart of the BERNINA 7 Series features a novel, centrally placed driver, which allows the BERNINA Hook to run fast yet quietly. The BERNINA Hook sews high-precision stitches up to 9 mm in width with speeds up to 1,000 stitches per minute. The bobbin holds up to 70% more thread than standard bobbins allowing you to sew longer without interruption.

  •  BERNINA 770 QE: The best technology for quilters

    BERNINA 770 QE: The best technology for quilters

  • 1/10 BERNINA 770 QE: First steps

    1/10 BERNINA 770 QE: First steps

  • 2/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Change stitches

    2/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Change stitches

  • 3/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Combining letters and stitches

    3/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Combining letters and stitches

  • 4/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing buttonholes and sewing on buttons

    4/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing buttonholes and sewing on buttons

  • 5/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing with the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)

    5/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing with the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)

  • 6/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing with Dual Feed

    6/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing with Dual Feed

  • 7/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing in zippers

    7/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Sewing in zippers

  • 8/10 BERNINA 770 QE: First steps when embroidering

    8/10 BERNINA 770 QE: First steps when embroidering

  • 9/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Single-colour pattern embroidery

    9/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Single-colour pattern embroidery

  • 10/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Care and cleaning

    10/10 BERNINA 770 QE: Care and cleaning

  • The BERNINA hook – the heart of the BERNINA 7 Series

    The BERNINA hook – the heart of the BERNINA 7 Series

BERNINA 770 QE アニバーサリー エディションのサポート


