Système automatique de quilt à bras long

  • Pour les cadres BERNINA Classic & Large PRO et Studio Frame
  • Outils de commande à portée de main
  • Art & Stitch et Wi-fi inclus
  • Système de déblocage rapide en un seul geste grâce à une courroie
  • Plus de 675 motifs inclus

Découvrez la solution innovante BERNINA pour la confection automatisée de quilts

Jamais il n'aura été aussi facile de quilter

Jamais il n'aura été aussi facile de quilter

  • Confection automatisée de quilt en quelques étapes
  • Planifiez chaque étape de la confection de votre quilt en toute simplicité
  • Brodez des motifs bord-à-bord simples ou des motifs personnalisés complexes
Multiples fonctions d'aide sur demande pour obtenir de l'aide à chaque étape de votre processus de création et de positionnement de votre motif de quilt.

Quand le design rencontre le Wi-fi

Quand le design rencontre le Wi-fi

  • Wi-fi inclus
  • Normes de sécurité les plus élevées grâce à une certification et une approbation par l'organisme indépendant UL®
  • Le système Q-matic s'intègre parfaitement dans le cadre
Le Wi-fi intégré du Q-matic facilite le transfert des motifs du PC ou de l'ordinateur portable vers le PC du Q-matic.

Outils de commande à portée de main

Outils de commande à portée de main

  • Accès facile à toutes les fonctionnalités
  • Un geste suffit pour modifier les paramètres
  • Différentes options d'affichage pour un agencement parfait du quilt
Accès direct à toutes les fonctionnalités en un seul clic : agencez votre quilt, modifiez vos motifs, positionnez vos motifs et contrôlez la broderie.

L'artiste de quilt Lisa Hagstoz Calle parle de sa BERNINA Q 24 (05:28)
Une fois que vous utilisez un bras long BERNINA, vous ne voulez plus rien d'autre.Lisa Hagstoz Calle, Artiste de quilt à bras long

À propos de Lisa: Avec un diplôme en gestion et marketing textile, Lisa Hagstoz Calle s'est vite mise à explorer « l'autre » côté des textiles . . . le côté artistique. Elle est tombée amoureuse du quilt en 1997 et elle a découvert le quilt à bras long en 2004. Ses créations primées ont débouché sur des opportunités d'enseignement qui lui ont permises de transmettre à d'autres sa technique et ses compétences.

Regarder la vidéo
Un confort optimal pendant le quilt

Un confort optimal pendant le quilt

  • Écran sur le module de couture pour afficher la tâche suivante
  • Modifiez les paramètres de piqûre à tout moment
  • Confirmez sur l'écran du module de couture ou grâce aux boutons
L'affichage sur l'écran du module de couture change pour montrer la tâche suivante Modifiez les paramètres tels la tension du fil supérieur et le SPI à tout instant durant la piqûre.

Quiltez à main libre à tout instant

Quiltez à main libre à tout instant

  • Vous optez pour le mode quilt à main libre ou le mode quilt automatisé
  • Système de déblocage rapide en un seul geste grâce à une courroie
  • Associez joliment des motifs numérisés avec des créations réalisées à mains libres
Passer du mode quilt automatisé à des créations réalisées à mains-libres est aussi simple que de compter de 1 à 3 car la courroie se libère en un seul geste.

Déplacez votre machine facilement

Déplacez votre machine facilement

  • Q-matic est équipé de la direction assistée EasyGlide
  • MicroMove positionnera votre aiguille au bon endroit avec précision
  • Écrans intégrés pour intéragir avec le module de couture
Une fois activée, la fonction EasyGlide permettra de faire bouger le module de couture équipé d'une courroie dans toutes les directions avec facilité et sans effort physique supplémentaire. MicroMove positionnera votre aiguille au bon endroit avec précision là où le premier point doit être piqué.

Logiciel Art & Stitch inclus

Logiciel Art & Stitch inclus

  • Logiciel de création pour les amateurs du quilt à bras long
  • Accès direct grâce à l'écran tactile
  • Créez vos motifs de quilt individuels
Grâce au logiciel Art & Stitch, vous pouvez modifiez les motifs ou créer vos propres motifs exclusifs. De quoi donner vie à vos créations.

Plus de 675 motifs gratuits

Plus de 675 motifs gratuits

  • Motifs créés par de célèbres designers inclus
  • 350 motifs gratuits issus du logiciel Art & Stitch
  • Importation de formats vers le Q-matic via le logiciel Art & Stitch
Plus de 250 motifs de plusieurs designers réputés, par ex. Lisa H. Calle, Keryn Emmerson, Amanda Murphy, Tula Pink, Patricia Ritter, Linzi Upton et Sarah Vedeler.

Positionnez vos motifs sans difficulté

Positionnez vos motifs sans difficulté

  • Placement parfait de vos motifs sur votre quilt
  • Alignez vos motifs comme vous le souhaitez
  • Ajustez les motifs directement sur l'écran grâce au logiciel Art & Stitch ou au Q-Matic
Jamais il n'aura été aussi facile de positionner un motif grâce à la fonction Grag & Drop. Sélectionnez virtuellement un motif pour le relâcher directement sur vos blocs de quilt ou définissez des repères virtuels pour placer la bordure avec facilité.

Les motifs de Tula Pink et Sarah Vedeler sont inclus

BERNINA innove encore en matière de quilt à bras long grâce aux nouveaux motifs de Tula Pink et Sarah Vedeler. Les deux célèbres créatrices ont fondé un nouveau mouvement créatif qu'elles ont affectueusement baptisé « quiltbroidery », c'est-à-dire un mélange de quilt et de broderie. Les motifs magnifiques, raffinés et artistiques ainsi obtenus transforment un simple ouvrage en véritable œuvre d'art.

Pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles, nous vous recommandons de :

  • Utiliser un fil assorti pour les motifs de lettre de Sarah Vedeler ou, encore mieux, un fil assorti d'un coloris bigarré.
  • Opter pour des motifs d'une taille identique. Si vous choisissez d'agrandir ou de réduire le motif, pensez à coudre un échantillon sur une chute de tissu au préalable.
  • Quilter au milieu du cadre.

Des conseils personnels auprès des distributeurs BERNINA

Plus de 2 000 distributeurs BERNINA à travers le monde donnent leur maximum pour que vous puissiez trouver la machine BERNINA correspondant le mieux à vos besoins. Bien sûr, les distributeurs BERNINA vous offrent aussi des conseils en matière de logiciels et d'équipements, et pourront réparer votre BERNINA si vous leur envoyez.


  • Fonctionnalités auxiliaires
  • Design Customization Features
  • Art & Stitch Features
Créer une zone sûre
Personnaliser le Design Center
Bibliothèque de motifs
Différentes options d'affichage et de zoom
Plus de 250 motifs inclus

Brochure produit – Toutes les informations en un coup d'œil

Téléchargez maintenant
Ouvrir le projet/Nouveau projet
Enregistrer/Supprimer les motifs ou les projets
Définir la vitesse de quilt
Options de couture
Se connecter/Se déconnecter
Grab & Drop
Repères virtuels

Brochure produit – Toutes les informations en un coup d'œil

Téléchargez maintenant
Retourner horizontalement
Plus/moins de répétitions
Coudre en marche arrière
Faire pivoter
Créer des motifs d'appliqué
Créer des hachures, des remplissages ondulés et des pointillés automatiques
Créer des motifs vectoriels
Créer des motifs de remplissage
Numériser à partir de Clipart, photos, dessins

Brochure produit – Toutes les informations en un coup d'œil

Téléchargez maintenant
Activation double pour deux appareils
Modifier des motifs existants
Plus de 350 motifs inclus
Effets Trapunto


  • General
  • Design customization
  • Auxiliary features
  • BERNINA Q-matic: Hardware Setup and Getting Started

    This video shows you how to install and start Q-matic.

  • How to install BERNINA Q-matic on the BERNINA Studio Frame

    This video will show you how to install BERNINA Q-matic on your BERNINA Studio Frame.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Art and Stitch

    Art&Stitch is a digitizing software developed especially for quilters, which can be used in conjunction with Q-matic for detailed design customization and/or digitizing new designs according to special quilting needs. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic: Hardware Setup and Getting Started

    BERNINA Q-matic: Hardware Setup and Getting Started

  • How to install BERNINA Q-matic on the BERNINA Studio Frame

    How to install BERNINA Q-matic on the BERNINA Studio Frame

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Art and Stitch

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Art and Stitch

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Align

    Use the “Align” feature to position designs horizontally or vertically in line. Align on the top, bottom or centered on screen while creating your quilt lay out or with the help of your sewhead and according to the position of the quilt blocks. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Boundary

    Use the “Boundary” feature to place a design into a block precisely. Create a four-point border outline on screen or with the help of the sewhead. The design can be placed maintaining its ration or morphed to fit. An additional margin from the border outline can be set. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Copy and Delete

    Use the “Copy” and “Delete” feature to duplicate or delete a design on the Main Screen. The duplicated design will be virtually attached to the needle. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Connect and Unconnect

    The “Connect” feature allows to “Group”, “Attach” or “Link” multiple designs. The connection can be reversed if necessary with the “Unconnect” feature. Group: two or more designs can be grouped in order to apply further changes to all like resizing or rotation. Attach: the end point of the first design is attached to the start point of the second design to become one continuous line design. Link: the end point of the first design is attached to the start point of the second design with a straight stitching line to become a continuous line design. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Grab and Drop

    Use the “Grab and Drop” feature to virtually attach a design to the sewhead needle and drop virtually on the quilt or in a quilt block. This is a great feature for design placement. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Markers

    Use the “Marker” feature to set virtual markers on your quilt or in a block. A great feature for design placement in a quilt lay out. The individual marker points can be connected and a new shape can be created, e.g. for appliqué. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Mask

    Use the “Mask” feature to cut out a selected design (closed shape) or a newly created shape from a background filler design. The masking can be done on the inside or outside. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Flip and Mirror

    Use the “Flip” and “Mirror” feature to turn your design vertically or horizontally over. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Edge to Edge (E2E)

    Edge to Edge: Copy and join at the same time continuous line design segments with one click to fill a full quilt row. Delete already joined segments with one click. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Multiply

    The “Multiply” feature is a great tool for edge-to-edge quilting and allows duplicating a design across with a desired amount of repeats as well as multiplying down with a desired number of rows and customized spacing. Additionally designs or rows can be flipped or an offset can be added for even spacing in a border or sashing. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Resize

    Use the “Resize” feature to adapt and customize a design in size for a specific quilt block or quilt lay out. The design can be simply resized on screen, by entering a specific size, or using the machine head. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Reverse Sew

    Use the “Reverse Sew” feature to interchange the start and stop point of the design. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Rotate

    Use the “Rotate” feature to turn a design to fit into a specific block or quilt area. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Trim

    Use the “Trim” feature to crop a full quilt lay out with edge-to-edge quilting or trim away a certain portion of a design. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Align

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Align

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Boundary

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Boundary

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Copy and Delete

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Copy and Delete

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Connect and Unconnect

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Connect and Unconnect

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Grab and Drop

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Grab and Drop

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Markers

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Markers

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Mask

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Mask

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Flip and Mirror

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Flip and Mirror

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Edge to Edge (E2E)

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Edge to Edge (E2E)

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Multiply

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Multiply

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Resize

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Resize

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Reverse Sew

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Reverse Sew

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Rotate

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Rotate

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Trim

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Trim

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Customize Design Center

    The “Customize Design Center” feature allows preselecting specific designs from the design library for a quilt project. Designs can be searched by design name or by tag names. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: EasyGlide

    Use the “EasyGlide” feature to move the belted Sewhead with ease, especially when setting the safe area or wide movements of the belted sewhead are necessary. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Realign Safe Area

    Use the “realign Safe Area” feature to realign your safe area after having advanced the quilt. This feature is especially useful when pantograph quilting. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Sew Options

    Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Thread Break Recovery

    Use the guided “Thread break Recovery” feature to recover the stitch out after a thread break or after running out of bobbin thread. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: View and Zoom

    Benefit from different zoom and view options to see specific parts of the design or quilt lay out. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Set Safe Area

    Use the “Set Safe Area” feature to establish the area where the sewhead can move safely. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Manage Tags

    Use the “Manage Tags” feature to create, rename or delete tag names. When a new master tag name is created to label designs, the new tag name will be added to the existing list in alphabetical order. Delete or change any tag name according to your needs. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Design Tags

    Use the “Design Tags” feature to label designs with tag names in order to facilitate the search. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Import Designs

    Use the “Import Design” feature to import new designs in .bqm or .dxf format. Import designs from third party designers or import own creations via thumb drive from Art&Stitch. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Quilt Size

    Use the “Quilt Size” feature to set the size of your quilt. With the actual quilt size displayed on screen it is easy to place designs and plan the quilt lay out. Teaming up with the innovative BERNINA Q 24 and Q 20 machines on the smooth free-motion quilting frames, BERNINA Q-matic fulfills your automated quilting needs in just a few simple steps. Watch all video tutorials in this playlist to learn everything about our quilting automation system.

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Customize Design Center

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Customize Design Center

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: EasyGlide

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: EasyGlide

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Realign Safe Area

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Realign Safe Area

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Sew Options

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Sew Options

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Thread Break Recovery

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Thread Break Recovery

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: View and Zoom

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: View and Zoom

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Set Safe Area

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Set Safe Area

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Manage Tags

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Manage Tags

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Design Tags

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Design Tags

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Import Designs

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Import Designs

  • BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Quilt Size

    BERNINA Q-matic Video Tutorial: Quilt Size

Assistance pour votre BERNINA Q-matic

Pour nous assurer que vous appréciez votre BERNINA aussi longtemps que possible, nous vous recommandons de lire le mode d'emploi détaillé. Vous trouverez davantage d'assistance, ainsi que des mises à jour logicielles, sur la page Assistance.

Télécharger le manuel PAGE D'ASSISTANCE BERNINA Q-Matic

Des conseils personnels auprès des distributeurs BERNINA

Plus de 2 000 distributeurs BERNINA à travers le monde donnent leur maximum pour que vous puissiez trouver la machine BERNINA correspondant le mieux à vos besoins. Bien sûr, les distributeurs BERNINA vous offrent aussi des conseils en matière de logiciels et d'équipements, et pourront réparer votre BERNINA si vous leur envoyez.