BERNINA sy-, broderi- eller overlockmaskiner är anpassade efter dina behov. Skaffa dig en överblick över det omfattande maskinsortimentet från BERNINA.
BERNINA Q 24, Q 20 och Q 16 PLUS är utformade som rammodellmaskiner med ännu mer utrymme för dina största projekt. Deras långa armar ger ännu mer utrymme åt stora kviltmönster och kan användas tillsammans med en av de tre tillgängliga ramarna vilket gör kviltprojekt av alla format till en barnlek.
Med BERNINAs sittmodeller Q16, Q 16 PLUS och Q20 blir frihandsquiltning en barnlek. Det väl tilltagna långarmsdjupet och höjden ger gott om utrymme för att hantera större quiltar. Gläd dig åt att kunna arbeta med stora quiltar även i ett litet utrymme.
BERNINAs tillbehör till kviltningsmaskiner med lång arm ger dig bästa möjliga kviltningsupplevelse med din BERNINA kviltningsmaskin. Njut av att kvilta på högsta nivå.
Utbildnings- och träningsteamet på BERNINA presenterar en rad olika tjänster med de bästa tipsen och knepen för att hjälpa dig att lyckas med dina sömnadsprojekt.
Med de här tipsen blir du skickligare på att brodera med maskin.
Hello my Sewing Bees, in today's lesson I'm going to show you just how to create a tear drop pattern with the Mirror-Merge tool, a feature of the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9; Let's have some fun!
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You can download this graphic as a reference for your tear drop design and Sue's original design as a BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 art-file. The art-file can't be used on your embroidery machine. You need to export it on a USB-stick or via the WiFi-Device as a machine file in order to stitch it out. Check Lesson one if you need a reminder how to export a design to your machine.
Open BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 and switch to "Embroidery Canvas". Change the hoop size to the BERNINA Large Oval Hoop, 255x145. I demonstrated how to change the hoop size in lessons 1-4 if you need a reminder of the detailed process.
Select the icon for Insert Artwork. Navigate to the location of the saved Artwork. Select the tear drop image. Click on "Open".
Open the Auto-Digitize Toolbox and select Instant Auto-Digitize. The Tear Drop is now a fill stitch.
Select the white area of the image on the design screen. Press the key "Delete" on your keyboard.
Reselect the image. On the Outlines Toolbar at the bottom left, select Single Outline/Settings to change the fill Tear Drop to a single outline.
While the Tear Drop is still selected, select Rotate Left 45º in the toolbar at the top.
Open Mirror-Merge Toolbox. Select the Mirror-Merge Horizontal & Vertical option.
Drag mouse onto the Design Screen. Click to set the design when the points of the tear drop just meet in the middle.
Activate Show Objects icon to reveal the 4 Tear Drops. Select all the objects with the key combination "Ctrl + A".
Open the Edit Toolbox and select Branching.
Set the entry and exit points at the center of the tear drop. Revisit lesson 6 "the new Branching tool" if you want to know more about this step. Notice the four Tear Drops turned into one continuous object in Color Film.
Resize the design to fit within the hoop by selecting the design and clicking and dragging on a corner resizing handle (a black square). Release the mouse and the design is resized to fit into the hoop.
Open the Menu "File" > Save as "Mirror Merge Tear Drop". > Send the design to your machine by exporting to a USB stick with Card/Machine Write or via WiFi with Send to BERNINA WiFi Device.
After saving this Mirror/Merge configuration, repeat the steps to play with a couple other options, like Reflect and Wreath. Change colors, stitch type, resize, save as desired.
Are you ready for the next lesson? I will show you how to create a needle cusion design, using the new Weld tool of the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9!