Šijacie a vyšívacie stroje BERNINA, sú vyrobené na mieru k Vašim potrebám. Predstavujeme Vám rozsiahly sortiment strojov BERNINA.
Dlhoramenné quiltovacie stroje BERNINA Q 24 a Q 20 môžu byť kombinované s rámami v troch veľkostiach. Môžete si zvoliť, ktorý quiltovací stroj a ktorý rám je pre Vás najvhodnejší. Vychutnajte si obrovský priestor pri Vašom prešívaní.
So stolovými modelmi BERNINA Q 16 a Q 20 je voľné quiltovanie ľahké ako detská hra. Veľkorysá hĺbka a výška ramena poskytujú dostatok priestoru pre prácu na Vašich vačších prikrývkach. Užívajte si veľké quiltované umelecké diela aj pri menších priestorových nárokoch.
Vďaka rozsiahlemu quiltovaciemu príslušenstvu pre BERNINA longarm budú výsledky Vašej práce vždy perfektné. Využite zipsové vodiče, laserový zameriavač vpichu ihly, či mikroquiltovacie rukoväte. Užívajte si prešívanie s tým najvyšším komfortom.
The Training & Education Team at BERNINA presents a series of diverse posts with the best tips and tricks to help you sewing successfully.
With these tips you will improve your machine embroidery skills.
Hello, my Sewing Bees! It's fascinating how with the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 and our embroidery machine we can create such amazing stitching creations. In today's lesson I'm going to share with you how simple it really is to design a couching word and stitch it out. Let's have some fun!
Na prezeranie našich videí používame službu YouTube, ktorá môže zhromažďovať údaje o vašich aktivitách. Ak chcete zobraziť toto video, prijmite prosím "Súbory cookie na marketingové účely"
You can download this drawing as a reference for your couching design and Sue's original embroidery file as a BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 art-file. The art-file can't be used on your embroidery machine. You need to export it on a USB-stick or via the WiFi-Device as a machine file in order to stitch it out. Check Lesson one if you need a reminder how to export a design to your machine.
Open BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 and switch to "Embroidery Canvas". Change the hoop size to the BERNINA Large Oval Hoop, 255x145. I demonstrated how to change the hoop size in lessons 1-4 if you need a reminder of the detailed process.
Select the Free-Motion Couching Foot #43. Make sure that Show Hoop is checked and click OK.
Enter 90 degrees in the Rotate Hoop box. Press "Enter" on your keyboard.
Select Insert Artwork and navigate to the location of the saved lettering image.
Select the Digitizing Toolbox, the Open Object, the Single Outline, and Color #5. Begin with a Left click at the tip of the “J” and continue clicking around the entire word with Right clicks to generate curve lines. The tighter the curve, the closer the clicks will need to be. Zoom in as needed to see the lines better. End with a left click.
Press "Enter" when finished to set the stitch. Select the white area of the artwork on the design screen. Press Delete to leave only the running stitch.
Select the “Joy” and select the Couching icon at the bottom right side of the screen.
Open the Menu "File" > Save as "Joy Couching". > Send the design to your machine by exporting to a USB stick with Card/Machine Write or via WiFi with Send to BERNINA WiFi Device.
Pull about 3” of the cord through the hole and push towards the side/top.
Slow the machine speed for more control of the stitching process. At the beginning of the design, the design will tie off. After the tie-off, you can stop the machine and then cut the threads if you’d like. The design will stitch; then tie off at the end of the design.
Trim the cord at the end of the design and you are finished!
Are you ready for the last lesson? I will show you how to create a in-the-hoop Luggage Tag, using the new Weld tool of the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9!