Zippered Leaders

Zippered Leaders

Easily change quilt project any time

  • Prepare quilt top in a comfortable sitting position
  • Mount quilt to the frame with just a few steps
Číslo položky: 102 338 70 00

The BERNINA Zippered Leaders have many benefits for the quilter, especially when working on more than one quilting project at a time. Instead of pinning the backing and lower end of the quilt top directly to the leaders on the frame, the fabric is pinned or even machine basted to the respective smaller zippered parts of the leaders and then zipped onto the main part. This can be done in a comfortable sitting position. Additionally, the quilting project although unfinished, can be changed with ease zipping off one and bringing on another. The started project will remain square and can easily be put on the frame again with just a few steps.

Všimnite si:
Nie všetky modely a príslušenstvo sú k dispozícii v jednotlivých krajinách. Vyhradzujeme si právo robiť zmeny v dizajne aj vo funkciách.

Osobný prístup Vášho miestneho predajcu BERNINA

Viac ako 2000 obchodov BERNINA ponúka po celom svete našim zákazníkom cenné služby. Vo Vašom najbližšom obchode BERNINA Vám ochotne poradia s výberom stroja aj príslušenstvom presne podľa Vašich potrieb, odporučia Vám vyšívací softvér a zaistia pre Váš stroj servis.
