Tula Pink sa pohráva s obrazom Rovňák Ako básnik, takže slovami pretvára nevinné tradične vzory na nezbedný drobnom haved. Tulin milostný vzťah k látkam začal už čoskoro prerástol v posadnutosť šitím. Tula začala s qiltováním, kvôli reutilizácie stále rastúcich zásob odstrižkov látok, aby si mohli čoskoro zdôvodniť ďalšom nákupe. Dnes, po 16 rokoch, je Tula Pink uznávanou návrhárkou quiltárkou. Tula navrhla deka zo svojej látky "Moonshine" špeciálnych pre BERNINA.
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Tula Pink is an American textile designer and quilt maker with a dark sense of humor buried in a sea of print and pattern. She plays with images the way a poet plays with words, turning innocuous traditional designs into mischievous little critters. Whether it’s a head of hair teased into a pirate ship or a damask molded into a frog, Ms. Pink can wrangle any shape into her own candy-colored fantasy of creature delights.
Tula’s love affair with textiles began early and an obsession with sewing soon followed. It was apparent to everyone but Tula that she would eventually be designing the fabric herself. A few years and ten fabric collections later it is her one and only passion. Tula began quilting in an effort to use up her ever growing stash of fabric so that she could justify buying more. Sixteen years later she has a lot of quilts and more fabric than when she started.