2. Rights of use, technical requirements
2.1 The user shall receive the simple, non-exclusive right to install and use the Software in perpetuity, in accordance with these Terms of Use. Permitted use shall include the installation of the contractual software, loading it into the memory and utilization by the user as intended. Under no circumstances shall the user have the right to lease or otherwise sub-license the purchased contractual software, to publicly reproduce it or make it accessible by wire or wireless means, or to make it available to third parties for a fee or free of charge, e.g. by way of 'application service providing' or as „software as a service“. Item 2.6 shall remain unaffected.
2.2 The user shall receive the right to reproduce the Software insofar as the respective reproduction is necessary for the use of the Software by the user (e.g. downloading, installing the Software on the PC, loading the Software). The user shall not be entitled to perform reverse engineering (re-engineering) of the Software or to use the Software in a way contrary to the subject of this Agreement, and must refrain from doing so.
2.3 All rights to the Software,– with the exception of the rights of use granted by these Terms of Use, shall be the exclusive property of Bernina and the respective licensors of Bernina. The Software and the rights to it shall be protected by copyright and international agreements on the protection of intellectual property.
2.4 The user may make a copy of the Software for backup purposes, provided that the end device on which the backup copy is stored is owned by or is under the exclusive power of disposal of the user.
2.5 The user may only edit the Software, and in particular make amendments or additions, insofar as this is expressly permitted by mandatory laws. Copyright notices, serial numbers, version numbers, trademarks or other identifying features of the Software must not be changed or removed by the user under any circumstances. The same shall apply to the suppression of the screen display of corresponding features.
2.6 The user shall be entitled to permanently transfer the purchased copy of the contractual software to a third party by handing over the activation code. In this case, they shall completely cease using the program, remove all installed copies of the program from their computers and delete all copies on other data carriers, provided that they are not legally obligated to retain them for a longer period. At Bernina's request, the customer shall confirm in writing that the aforementioned measures have been carried out in full or, where applicable, explain the reasons for retaining any copies for a longer period. Furthermore, the user shall expressly agree with the third party that they shall observe the extent to which rights have been granted in accordance with this Item 2 .
2.7 The user themselves shall be responsible for checking and ensuring the suitability of the end device intended by them for the installation of the Software with regard to the technical requirements.
Unauthorized copying or falsification of the product, or failure to comply with the above restrictions, shall automatically cause this License Agreement to be terminated, and shall leave BERNINA and/or Wilcom International Pty Ltd free to pursue other means of legal redress.