Superb sewing and embroidery

Picture: BERNINA 780


Superb sewing and embroidery

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BERNINA 780 with embroidery module — Create beautiful embroidery

Forlænget friarm

Forlænget friarm

BERNINA 7-serien har en omhyggeligt konstrueret friarm, der er forlænget med 254 mm plads til højre for nålen. Ikke smukke sy- og broderiprojekter med deres 9 mm stingbredde, der er også velegnede til pynte søm. Det ekstra lange broderimodul giver dig mulighed for at sy motiver i maksimal størrelse. Og skulle dine ambitioner vokse, kan begge modeller opdateres med et væld af tilbehør.

Endeløs brodering

Endeløs brodering

You can create mirror images, as well as rotate, combine or resize your designs right on the color touch screen. Personalize with decorative stitches or alphabets with embroidery patterns. Preview alternate color options on the touch screen and save them on your machine or on a USB Stick. Use Absolute Check for perfect design placement.

BERNINA stingregulator (BSR)

BERNINA stingregulator (BSR)

BERNINA 780 ist udstyret med BSR-funktionen. BSR-foden hjælper dig med frihåndssyning og – quilting med lige – eller zigzagsøm, der sikrer at sømmene har præcis samme længde, selv ved varierende sømhastigheder.

BERNINA overtransport

BERNINA overtransport

Den innovative BERNINA overtransport tæmmer de stoffer, der er svære at styre, og sørger for fremragende transport af stoffet og optimal synlighed under syningen. Den er nemt at starte, når du har brug for det, og BERNINA overtransporten kan gemmes helt væk, når den ikke behøves.

Sy med endnu større lethed

Sy med endnu større lethed

B 770 QE og B 790 udretter mange opgaver helt af dem selv. Syfoden sænkes automatisk ved begyndelsen af en søm. Nålen trådes halvautomatisk, og tråden skæres automatisk, når du afslutter en søm, eller når du ønsker at skifte farver under broderingen. Desuden er et praktisk sybord, der igen forøger dit arbejdsområde ganske betydeligt, inkluderet i standardpakken.

Totale sting kontrol

Totale sting kontrol

BERNINA 780 giver et eksklusivt niveau af sting kontrol. Uanset om at ændre stinglængden, stingbredde eller nåleposition-eller endda skabe kombinationer-maskinen vil huske søm detaljer for dig.

Tips og råd

Tips og råd

Brugervenlige funktioner og intuitiv navigering: syguiden og integrerede syvejledninger tilbyder direkte support på skærmen og besvarer dine spørgsmål til enhver tid, dag og nat.

Large Selection of Stitches and Embroidery Designs

Large Selection of Stitches and Embroidery Designs

The BERNINA 780 offers hundreds of stitches, all of which are clearly categorized and easily accessible. In addition, there are over 130 built-in embroidery designs and 12 alphabets. Your own embroidery designs can also be quickly loaded via a USB connection.

A World Premier: The New BERNINA 9 Hook

A World Premier: The New BERNINA 9 Hook

With the launch of the 7 Series, BERNINA presents a world’s first, the BERNINA 9 Hook (B 9 Hook). Combining the two best hook technologies, the B 9 Hook is patent pending. The new heart of the BERNINA machine features a novel, centrally-placed driver, which allows the B 9 Hook to run steady and quiet. The B 9 Hook sews high-precision stitches up to 9 mm in width with speeds up to a 1,000 stitches per minute. And the bobbin has 80 percent more thread capacity than our standard bobbins allowing you to sew longer without interruption. Finally, the B 9 Hook is made of high-quality materials that allow the thread to run smoothly at consistent tension.

Picture: BERNINA 780

Kazu Huggler for BERNINA

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Kazu Huggler. Belonging to a new generation of international fashion designers, she lives in Zurich, where she owns her own shop and fashion label, «KAZU». The daughter of a Japanese mother and a Swiss father, she grew up in Japan and Switzerland. Her designs are mostly inspired by traditional Japanese culture.
For the launch of the 7 Series, Kazu Huggler created an exclusive dress. She designed the fabric herself and produced it in Switzerland. The design features a crane—a traditional Japanese symbol that stands for luck and longevity. The cut is inspired by the traditional Japanese kimono.

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Picture: BERNINA 780

A World Premiere
The New BERNINA 9 Hook

With the launch of the 7 Series, BERNINA presents a world’s first, the BERNINA 9 Hook (B 9 Hook). Combining the two best hook technologies, the B 9 Hook is patent pending.
The new heart of the BERNINA machine features a novel, centrally-placed driver, which allows the B 9 Hook to run steady and quiet. The B 9 Hook sews high-precision stitches up to 9 mm in width with speeds up to a 1,000 stitches per minute. And the bobbin has 80 percent more thread capacity than our standard bobbins, allowing you to sew longer without interruption.

Finally, the B 9 Hook is made of high-quality materials that allow the thread to run smoothly with consistent tension.

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Egenskaber og funktioner

  • Syning og quiltning
  • Broderi
  • Overordnede funktioner
Maksimal syhastighed 1000
Maksimal stingbredde i mm 9
Maksimal stinglængde mm 6
Nålepositioner 11
Automatisk knaphul/ måling af knaphulslængde
Manuel flertrinsknaphulsfunktion
USB-port til USB-stik
Memory (korttidshukommelse)
Historie (lagring af seneste sting)
Drag & drop
Funktion til afslutning/påbegyndelse af mønster
Ændring af mønsterlængde
Omvendt syning
Programmerbar sikkerhedsfunktion
Start/stop-tast (syning uden fodpedal)
Pivot / hover function
Monogrammer (kun ved tværtransport)
Samlet antal sting (inkl. alfabeter) 1306
Syalfabeter 8
Pyntesting i alt 460
Program til påsyning af knapper
Knaphuller (inkl. øsken) i alt 15
Nyttesting i alt 32
Pyntesting med tværtransport i alt 91
Quiltsting 33
Tassel-/tapering-/Skylinesting 52
Stoppeprogrammer 3
360 graders syning
Maksimale broderihastighed (sting pr. minut) 1000
Integreret broderimønster 130
Broderialfabeter 8
Prøve behandling i displayet: flip, rotere, skalere
Broderi af borter
Reducer antal farveskift
Lagring af egne broderimønstre
Programmerbar skæring af forbindelsessting
Broderimønsterformat .EXP
Automatisk genkendelse af broderiramme
Kontrol af broderiforløb
Gem sidste broderiposition
Stort broderimodul (SDT) valgfri

Stort broderimodul (SDT)

Det nye BERNINA-modul med Smart Drive-teknologi (SDT) løfter din broderioplevelse med forbedret stingkvalitet, flydende og mere støjsvage bevægelser og op til 55 % større broderihastighed.
Jumbo-hoop-funktionalitet, begrænset broderiområde 400×210 mm
Syplads til højre for nålen 254 mm
Maskinens vægt 14 kg
Maskinens størrelse 522 / 214 / 358 mm
Farvetouchskærm 7” / 18 cm
Sylampe 30
Automatisk nåletråder
Manuel trådafskærer 3
Ændring af sting under syning
BERNINA Dual Transport
Gribersystem B 9


Gribersystemerne på BERNINA-symaskiner udvikler sig konstant gennem årene. CB-griberen er den traditionelle BERNINA-mekanisme, der frembringer den legendariske BERNINA-stingkvalitet med en bredde på 5,5 mm.

BERNINAs roterende griber tilbyder samme stingkvalitet ved en stingbredde på 9 mm og overvågning af undertråden.

Den innovative BERNINA-griber bevarer den legendariske BERNINA-stingkvalitet ved stingbredder på 5,5 mm og 9 mm. En nem indføring af spolekapslen og spole med stor kapacitet gør denne ideel.
Opspoling under syning/brodering
BERNINA fodpedal med back-kick-funktion
Nålestop oppe/nede
Automatisk trådafskærer
Justerbart trykfodstryk
Tutorial i syning
Eco modus


Slip din kreativitet løs med det medfølgende tilbehør, og vær forberedt på enhver kreativ udfordring med et stort udvalg af ekstraudstyr.

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  • Kompatibel
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Ikke alle modeller og alt tilbehør er tilgængelige i alle lande. Vi forbeholder os ret til at foretage ændringer i både funktioner og design.


  • The new BERNINA 780 (BERNINA 7 Series)

    New technology for sewing and embroidery that leaves extra room for imagination: the BERNINA 780 combines innovative ideas with a huge amount of space. The extended freearm offers an extra-large work surface for extensive sewing projects. The fast and quiet BERNINA 9 Hook sews high-precision stitches up to 9 mm in width. And the wide selection of embroidery designs are built in for easy editing on the color touch screen. Plus, thanks to the integrated BERNINA Dual Feed, hard-to-manage and fine fabrics can be used so seamlessly that even little daydreams become extraordinary realities.

  • 1/10 BERNINA 780: getting started and prepared

    Sewing pleasure right from the beginning: the BERNINA 780 combines a huge variety of user-friendly features and intuitive navigation to make sewing easier and more comfortable. After a few simple preparations, the BERNINA 780 is ready to carry out your creative projects. This helps to reduce preparation time so you can wholly concentrate on your creative job.

  • 2/10 BERNINA 780: how to personalize and save decorative stitches

    Thanks to the BERNINA 780's intuitive user interface, decorative stitches can be adapted in no time. Choose stitch pattern, fine-tune stitch parameters to your desired values and save your changes -- done. So your settings won't get lost, and soon after switching on your BERNINA 780 next time, you can use them again -- precisely as you have set them.

  • 3/10 BERNINA 780: how to combine lettering and stitches

    Sewing alphabets and stitch patterns can be combined in an amazingly easy way on touchscreen to create your own attractive designs. Thus you are free to create your own individual combinations of patterns which you can adapt to your needs perfectly. And for further use or creating variations, you can store your combination permanently in the BERNINA 780's onboard memory.

  • 4/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew buttonholes and how to sew on buttons

    Sewing buttonholes and sewing on buttons is quickly done with the BERNINA 780. All settings can be made easily on touchscreen. Doing so, you can even find out the right buttonhole size simply by holding the button to the screen. Save your changes and sew your customized buttonholes as often as needed -- there's no easier way to do it!

  • 5/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew with the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)

    The BSR foot is a specialist for free-motion stitching with both straight and zigzag stitch patterns and comes standard with the machine. Using the BERNINA stitch regulator, your stitches come out precisely the same length, no matter how fast or slow you are sewing. This means more safety and optimal results for free-motion beginners right from the very first stitch, and more experienced seamstresses and quilters will appreciate the BERNINA 780's outstanding sewing comfort.

  • 6/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew with the BERNINA Dual Feed (BDF)

    The BERNINA 780's highly innovative BERNINA Dual Feed (BDF) transports the fabric both from the upper and lower side. This enables you to create precise seams even on hard-to-manage fabrics or multiple layers of fabric. Dual Feed can be engaged by one touch and tucked away quite as simple when not needed.

  • 7/10 BERNINA 780: getting started with embroidery

    Using the embroidery module and hoop, you transform your BERNINA 780 into a highly versatile tool for creative embroidering. Thanks to useful features such as the positioning aid and the easy-to-operate touchscreen user interface, even beginners gain quick and easy access to a huge variety of professional embroidering functions. With 130 stock embroidery designs, 12 embroidery alphabets and a hands-on onboard tutorial, you will get to impressive results in no time.

  • 8/10 BERNINA 780: embroidery editing and extras

    It's astoundingly easy to create individual embroidery design combinations with the BERNINA 780: Every design can be resized, positioned, duplicated or combined with other motifs and embroidery alphabets freely. Of course, you can also change your motif's colours unrestrictedly. Your own combinations can be stored in the BERNINA 780's onboard memory for further use oder redesigning -- creativity without borders.

  • 9/10 BERNINA 780: endless embroidery & embroidering sewing stitches

    Endless embroidering is a challenge that requires highest accuracy. Using the BERNINA 780, even less experienced embroiderers obtain impressive results quickly. Thanks to the BERNINA 780's elaborate positioning technique and easy menu navigation, motifs can be arranged and aligned with ultimate precision. The results speak for themselves -- professional endless embroideries, convincing even to the most fault-finding embroiderers.

  • 10/10 BERNINA 780: how to clean and oil your sewing machine

    To make maintenance and care as easy as possible, the BERNINA 780 allows quick access to all parts which need cleaning and oiling. Thanks to that, upkeeping can be done in no time with just a minimum of effort to keep your machine ready-to-use. Remember to switch off and unplug your BERNINA 780 before maintenance!

  •  The new BERNINA 780 (BERNINA 7 Series)

    The new BERNINA 780 (BERNINA 7 Series)

  •  1/10 BERNINA 780: getting started and prepared

    1/10 BERNINA 780: getting started and prepared

  •  2/10 BERNINA 780: how to personalize and save decorative stitches

    2/10 BERNINA 780: how to personalize and save decorative stitches

  •  3/10 BERNINA 780: how to combine lettering and stitches

    3/10 BERNINA 780: how to combine lettering and stitches

  •  4/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew buttonholes and how to sew on buttons

    4/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew buttonholes and how to sew on buttons

  •  5/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew with the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)

    5/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew with the BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)

  •  6/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew with the BERNINA Dual Feed (BDF)

    6/10 BERNINA 780: how to sew with the BERNINA Dual Feed (BDF)

  • 7/10 BERNINA 780: getting started with embroidery

    7/10 BERNINA 780: getting started with embroidery

  • 8/10 BERNINA 780: embroidery editing and extras

    8/10 BERNINA 780: embroidery editing and extras

  • 9/10 BERNINA 780: endless embroidery & embroidering sewing stitches

    9/10 BERNINA 780: endless embroidery & embroidering sewing stitches

  • 10/10 BERNINA 780: how to clean and oil your sewing machine

    10/10 BERNINA 780: how to clean and oil your sewing machine

Support til din BERNINA 780

For at sikre, at du har glæde af din BERNINA så længe som muligt, anbefaler vi, at du læser den detaljerede betjeningsvejledning. Yderligere supportoplysninger samt firmwareopdateringer finder du på supportsiden.


Få personlig rådgivning i din lokale BERNINA forretning

Over 2.000 BERNINA forretninger verden over tilbyder nyttige tjenester til alle vore kunder. Din lokale BERNINA forretning er stolt af at kunne hjælpe dig med rådgivning om de maskiner og det tilbehør, der passer bedst til dine behov, valg af BERNINA broderisoftware og servicering af din BERNINA.