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Машины для стежки BERNINA Q 24, Q 20 и Q 16 PLUS с длинным рукавом совместимы с рамами трех размеров. Вы сами можете выбрать, какую модель и какую раму вы предпочитаете. Наслаждайтесь искусством стежки больших проектов.
Машины для работы за столом BERNINA Q 16, Q 16 PLUS и Q 20 позволяют превратить квилтинг свободного хода в детскую игру. Большая глубина и высота длинного рукава обеспечивают достаточно места для работы с большими квилтами. Наслаждайтесь возможностью создавать квилты большого размера даже в условиях ограниченного пространства.
Принадлежности для машин для стежки Bernina в сочетании с вашей машиной Bernina Q серии делают самые большие и сложные проекты достижимыми. Уверенно заканчивайте ваши изделия, изучайте арт-квилтинг, или участвуйте в квилт-соревнованиях. Bernina – идеальный партнер для этого.
The Training & Education Team at BERNINA presents a series of diverse posts with the best tips and tricks to help you sewing successfully.
С помощью этих советов вы улучшите навыки машинного вышивания.
Hello my Sewing Bees, in today's lesson I'm going to show you just how to create a Quilt Block with the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9, and even how to stitch the Trapunto effect with your embroidery machine. When you use a darker thread for the Trapunto and lay a thin cotton such as Batiste over top, it takes on an entirely different look, similar to Shadow work. It’s such a cool technique. Let's have some fun!
Для просмотра наших видеороликов мы используем сервис YouTube, который может собирать данные о ваших действиях. Для просмотра этого видео, пожалуйста, примите "Cookies в маркетинговых целях"
In this exercise, you will be digitizing an anchor with the help of the basic shapes. You can download Sue's original design as a BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 art-file. The art-file can't be used on your embroidery machine. You need to export it on a USB-stick or via the WiFi-Device as a machine file in order to stitch it out. Check Lesson one if you need a reminder how to export a design to your machine.
Open BERNINA Embroidery Software 9 and switch to "Embroidery Canvas". Change the hoop size to the BERNINA Large Oval Hoop, 255x145. I demonstrated how to change the hoop size in lessons 1-4 if you need a reminder of the detailed process.
Select the Auto-Digitize Toolbox. Choose Insert Artwork. Navigate to C:\Users> Public> Public Pictures> BERNINA 9 Pictures> Artwork> 02_Basic shapes. Select the Anchor design, Shape 18 and click "Open".
Select the Magic Wand tool. Select the Raised Satin Fill/Settings option on the Fill Types Toolbar.
Click on the Anchor artwork on the design screen and press "OK" in the Prepare Bitmap menu.
Lay your cursor over the Anchor until it turns into a red cross hatched fill, then left click with your mouse.
The anchor is now a white Raised Satin Fill pattern which is ideal for Trapunto work. Press the key "Esc" on your keyboard to deactivate the Magic Wand tool. Click on the white background of the artwork and press the key "Delete" leaving only the white anchor.
Double click on the anchor to open Object Properties. Change the Layers to 4. Click "OK".
Select the Edit Toolbox. Select Create Trapunto Outlines. A dialog box opens. Leave the outline color at the default blue and for the Outline type, choose Triple. Click "OK".
In the Edit Toolbox, select Quilting Background. In the dialog box that opens, change: - Width to 4.90. Proportional sizing is checked - Quilting Type: Echo Clipped - Design Margin 0.1” - Block Margin to 0.1; - Line Spacing 0.085. Select a contrast color for the quilting. Select Digitize Center for the Block Center. Click "OK".
Place the block outline so the anchor is in the lower left corner and left click with your mouse to set.
To finish the edges of the quilting pattern, add an outline stitch around the echo quilting. Select Digitize Toolbox and select the Rectangle tool. Select the Single outline tool on the Stitch Toolbar at the bottom of the screen and select Color #14. Left click in the upper left hand corner while holding down the "Ctrl" key to create a square. Drag to the lower right corner and click again to set the square.
Press the key "Esc" and select the outline. Use the black control handles to adjust the size of the square so that each side touches the edges of the echo quilting. Each side can be individually adjusted. Zoom in for accuracy.
In Color Film, select the anchor and click on Color #20. Select the echo stitching in Color Film and change to Color #14.
Open the Menu "File" > Save as "Anchors Away". > Send the design to your machine by exporting to a USB stick with Card/Machine Write or via WiFi with Send to BERNINA WiFi Device.
Press woven fusible interfacing on the wrong side of the base block fabric and hoop. Sew the anchor with a dark gray thread.
Place a piece of thin cotton (i.e.Batiste) over the embroidery area and use OESD Tear Away Embroidery Tape Tear Away to hold in place.
Change thread color as desired for the outline stitch and sew (sample shows same dark gray thread).
Change thread color as desired for the echo quilting and sew (sample shows same dark gray thread).
Cut block as desired and you have finished your Trapunto Quilt Block Design!
Are you ready for the next lesson? I will show you how to create a freestanding lace design with the built-in toolboxes of the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9!