BERNINAn koulutustiimi on tehnyt lukuisia julkaisuja, joissa kerrotaan parhaat vinkit ja konstit onnistuneeseen ompeluun.
Näiden vinkkien avulla voit parantaa konekirjontataitojasi.
There are many different ways of being creative with the sewing machine. For example with free-motion embroidery, also called “sewing painting”. If you combine this with appliqués or 3D elements, an art object is created that could appear in the one or the other gallery. The sewing instructions and the pattern are available to download for free for the entire month of January after you subscribe to the BERNINA inspiration newsletter. Register & download for free Download the pattern and sewing instructions for free without subscribing to the newsletter
Get ready for an upswing – This is the slogan of the 1/2020 inspiration edition. You can buy this edition in the online shop as an e-magazine or as a printed issue. Take a look in the magazine now.
Käytämme YouTube-palvelua videoiden näyttämiseen. Tämä palvelu saattaa kerätä tietoja toiminnastasi. Jos haluat lisätietoja, tutustu tietosuojakäytäntöömme. Jos haluat katsella videota, hyväksy "kohdennusevästeet".
Subscribe to the inspiration newsletter for free and receive inspiration and ideas for your next sewing project by email. Don't miss the latest news and trends about fashion, sewing and embroidery.