Buttonhole Sole #3

Buttonhole Sole #3

Manual sewing of buttonholes

  • Sewing buttonholes of different lengths
  • Gathering using thread or elastic thread (smocking)
  • With or without cording
  • To be used with Snap On Shank #78

Buttonhole Sole #3 is ideally suited to sewing buttonholes, as well as gathering with cord or elastic (smocking). Thanks to its practical grooves, Buttonhole Sole #3 is able to glide smoothly over the thread beads of the buttonhole, enabling particularly easy and precise sewing.

The upper thread can be conveniently pulled to the back through the slot in Buttonhole Sole #3 before you begin sewing. In this way, attractive buttonholes with and without cording can easily be sewn in the desired length.

Kaikkia malleja ja lisätarvikkeita ei ole saatavilla kaikissa maissa. Pidätämme oikeuden sekä ominaisuuksia että muotoilua koskeviin muutoksiin.

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