Open Embroidery Foot Sole #20

Open Embroidery Foot Sole #20

Clear view of the sewing area

  • Perfect for sewing decorative stitches
  • Creation of attractive appliqué designs
  • Allows lines and patterns to be followed precisely
  • An open form for a clear view of the project
  • To be used with Snap On Shank #78

Open Embroidery Foot Sole #20 is a specialist when it comes to embroidering with your sewing machine. This foot is ideally suited to Richelieu and circular embroidery, as well as to following lines and patterns.

The wide opening at the front of the foot affords a clear view of the stitching area, while the wide wedge-shaped channel under the sole of the foot ensures perfect fabric feed even over dense stitch formations.

The Open embroidery foot is also available with a special non-stick sole (#56) for use with “sticky” fabrics. What’s more, the design of Open Embroidery Foot Sole #20 makes it ideal for sewing on trims and creating attractive appliqués.

Kaikkia malleja ja lisätarvikkeita ei ole saatavilla kaikissa maissa. Pidätämme oikeuden sekä ominaisuuksia että muotoilua koskeviin muutoksiin.

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