Romantic Lace Shirt

Vaikeustaso Aloittelija
Tarvittava aika Ilta


Bild: BERNINA Highlight Shirt

Pattern available in sizes 36 – 48

This sophisticated jersey and lace shirt is truly eye-catching. Worn with jeans, it adds a hint of nobility and elegance to your look.

Free Download Pattern

Download for free the pattern for the romantic shirt and sew it on your own.

How to sew the romantic shirt:

Shirt Sizes 36 – 48
0.8 – 1.0 m lace fabric with scalloped edge, 120 cm wide
0.6 m jersey, 150 cm wide
0.4 m fine cotton fabric
8 buttons
BERNINA sewing machine
BERNINA overlocker
Walking foot or Dual feed
Button-sew-on foot no. 18
Cutting out jersey
Cut paper pattern apart along the marked lines.
1 x bottom front to fabric fold (with bust darts from size 42 up)
2 x bottom back
Cutting out lace
1 x top front to fabric fold
2 x top back
Cutting out cotton fabric
2 x button band 60 x 4.5 cm. Bias strips for binding and edging, 0.5-0.6 m, 3.5 cm wide and 1.2 – 1.3 m, 2.5 cm wide.

  1. Close darts if applicable. Neaten top edges of jersey sections with the overlocker. Place cut-out lace sections wrong-side-to-right-side and stitch on. Iron under seam allowance of bottom front and back sections and topstitch.
  2. Close shoulder seams. Trim seam allowances and bind with the narrower bias strips, see Tips pages. Edge neckline with the wider bias strips.
  3. Cut out sleeves so that the scalloped edges match those of the front sections. The pattern runs differently depending on the size. Note that the final length need not correspond exactly to the marked length, so it’s best to cut the sleeve head with 3 cm seam allowance, baste it in, and shorten it again at the top if necessary. Sew in sleeves.
  4. Bind armhole with bias strips, really stretching the strips in the curve under the arm.
  5. Close side seams and hem shirt. Sew button band right-sides-facing to the back sections. Fold button band along the fold line with fabric lying right-sides-together, and close the short edges at the top and bottom. Turn button band right-side-out; turn under seam allowance of the free long edge and stitch down from the right side. Sew buttonholes and sew on buttons with foot no. 18.