Colour-Blocking: Dress sizes 36 - 46

Vaikeustaso Keskitaso
Tarvittava aika Ilta



  • 1,10 – 1,20 m fine knit in black, 130 cm wide (Hilco)
  • 0,60 – 0,70 m viscose-elastane jersey in orange, 140 cm wide (Hilco)
  • 0,20 m viscose-elastane jersey in petrol, 140 cm wide (Hilco)
  • Vilene
  • Hem fix, 1 cm wide for the decorative strips
  • Twin needle, 2,5-to -3 mm gap
  • BERNINA overlocker 1300 MDC
  • BERNINA sewing machine
  • We recommend using the Walking foot or Dual feed

Cutting out:
  • 1x front to fabric fold
  • 1x front facing to fabric fold
  • 1x back to fabric fold
  • 1x back facing to fabric fold
  • Cut our decorative strips for front and back sections separately.                                                           Hem facing in finished hem length: 10 cm wide, finished width: 5 cm.

Colour-Blocking Dress



Iron Vilene to facings; let cool thoroughly. Iron Hem fix to decorative strips at sides and bottom on seam allowance. Iron over seam allowances. Place front section flat on table without pulling or distorting it. Place decorative strips evenly on top and pin. Sew on with the twin needle. Complete back section in the same way.

Close side seams with the overlocker (ideally 3-thread overlock and chain stitch). Close side seams on facings also. Place neckline edges of dress and facing right-sides-together and sew. Notch seam allowances in the curves, and trim slightly if necessary. Fold seam allowances to the facing side and topstitch close to the edge, beginning and ending about 2 cm short of the shoulder seam in each case.

With right sides facing, stitch together and turn armholes. Turn facing to the inside and iron edges. Place shoulder seams of dress right-sidestogether and pull out between facing and outer fabric. Close shoulder seams and turn to the outside. Close shoulder seams of facings by hand, starting from the right side of the facing. Topstitch armholes half-a-presser-foot’s-width from the edge.

Measure hem width and sew hem facing into a ring of the same size. Pin long edges together
right-sides-out. Pin facing right-sides-together to hem and sew together with the overlocker. Fold seam allowance upwards and topstitch halfa-presser-foot’s-width from the edge.