Just SEW It: Solving Sewing Challenges

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Just SEW It: Solving Sewing Challenges

Sew It All!

Be ready to create any project with minimal frustration by solving common sewing challenges. From sewing denim to leather to other unusual surfaces, follow these helpful techniques for success.
Minimizing Challenges
Follow a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule for top sewing performance in challenging sewing situations.
Sewing Thick Layers
Learn techniques for sewing multiple layers of denim, canvas and upholstery fabrics.
Uneven Sewing Surfaces
Solve the challenge of sewing the edge of thick materials such as decorator trims, webbing and hook and loop tape.
Textured Surfaces
To achieve good stitch formation, use a roller foot to aid in feeding textured fabrics during the sewing process.
Sticky Surfaces
Learn to sew bulk-free seams on leather, suede and vinyl with ease.