BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR) The BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR) adapts precisely to your current sewing speed to produce absolutely consistent stitching.
Zigzag Foot #0 Zigzag Foot #0 is a versatile all-purpose foot which beautifully handles straight-stitch and zigzag sewing projects as well as decorative projects and embroidery.
Finger Guard #99 The Finger Guard #99 could be added to every foot for safety, which makes the foot ideal for beginners or children.
Reverse Pattern Foot #1 Reverse Pattern Foot #1 is the ideal presser foot for sewing forward and reverse-feed utility and decorative stitches.
Reverse Pattern Foot #1C Reverse Pattern Foot #1C is the ideal presser foot for sewing forward and reverse-feed utility and decorative stitches.
Reverse Pattern Foot #1D Reverse Pattern Foot #1D is the ideal presser foot for sewing forward and reverse-feed utility and decorative stitches.
Reverse Pattern Sole #1 Reverse Pattern Sole #1 is the ideal presser foot for sewing forward and reverse-feed utility and decorative stitches.
Overlock Foot #2 Overlock Foot #2 lets you neaten seams easily and sew high-quality hems, waistbands and overlock seams on knit fabrics.
Overlock Foot #2A Overlock Foot #2A lets you neaten seams easily and sew high-quality hems, waistbands and overlock seams on knit fabrics.
Overlock Sole #2 Overlock Sole #2 lets you neaten seams easily and sew high-quality hems, waistbands and overlock seams on knit fabrics.
Buttonhole Foot #3 Buttonhole Foot #3 is the natural choice for easy sewing of buttonholes with and without cording, and is also ideal for gathering with cord.
Buttonhole Foot with Slide #3A Depending on the model, Buttonhole Foot with Slide #3A determines the desired buttonhole length for identical buttonholes either via a sensor or manually.
Buttonhole Foot with Slide #3B Depending on the model, Buttonhole Foot with Slide #3B determines the desired buttonhole length for identical buttonholes either via a sensor or manually.
Buttonhole Foot #3C Buttonhole Foot #3C is the natural choice for easy sewing of buttonholes with and without cording, and is also ideal for gathering with cord.
Buttonhole Sole #3 Buttonhole Sole #3 is the natural choice for easy sewing of buttonholes with and without cording, and is also ideal for gathering with cord.
Zipper Foot #4 Thanks to its narrow, centrally positioned toe, Zipper Foot #4 can stitch very close to the zipper coils, allowing it to sew the zipper on neatly.
Zipper Foot #4D Thanks to its narrow, centrally positioned toe, Zipper Foot #4D can stitch very close to the zipper coils, allowing it to sew the zipper on neatly.
Zipper Sole #4 Thanks to its narrow, centrally positioned toe, Zipper Sole #4 can stitch very close to the zipper coils, allowing it to sew the zipper on neatly.
Blindstitch Foot #5 Blindstitch Foot #5 is designed for sewing blind hems on all fabric thicknesses for a barely-visible finish.
Blindstitch Sole #5 Blindstitch Sole #5 is designed for sewing blind hems on all fabric thicknesses for a barely-visible finish.
Embroidery Foot #6 Embroidery Foot #6 features a wide channel in its sole for sewing appliqués and decorative stitching. There is also a small hole in the center of the foot for couching a narrow cord.
Tailor Tack Foot #7 Tailor Tack Foot #7 is suitable for marking seams on the fabric. It can also be used for attractive decorative applications such as 3D effects, fringing and fagotting.
Jeans Foot #8 Jeans Foot #8 produces neat straight-stitched seams on tough, heavy fabrics such as denim, leather or canvas.
Jeans Foot #8D Jeans Foot #8D produces neat straight-stitched seams on tough, heavy fabrics such as denim, leather or canvas.
Jeans Foot Sole #8 Jeans Foot Sole #8 produces neat straight-stitched seams on tough, heavy fabrics such as denim, leather or canvas.
Darning Foot #9 The vertical spring action of Darning Foot #9 prevents the fabric from flagging and produces a neat stitch pattern. This foot is also suitable for free-motion embroidery.
Edgestitch Foot #10 Edgestitch Foot #10 is ideal for topstitching, hemming and embellishing. Its special guide blade helps you sew perfectly straight seams.
Edgestitch Foot #10C Edgestitch Foot #10C is ideal for topstitching, hemming and embellishing. Its special guide blade helps you sew perfectly straight seams.
Edgestitch Foot #10D Edgestitch Foot #10D is ideal for topstitching, hemming and embellishing. Its special guide blade helps you sew perfectly straight seams.
Cordonnet Foot #11 The special design of the BERNINA Cordonnet Foot #11 enables precise embellishment and topstitching with cordonnet thread as the upper thread.
Bulky Overlock Foot #12 Bulky Overlock Foot #12 is suitable for sewing knits, as well as for making and attaching piping and cords.
Bulky Overlock Foot #12C Bulky Overlock Foot #12C is suitable for sewing knits, as well as for making and attaching piping and cords.
Zipper Foot with Guide #14 Zipper Foot with Guide #14 produces pefectly parallel lines of straight topstitching, and is ideal for the professional insertion of zippers.
Zipper Foot with Guide #14D Zipper Foot with Guide #14D produces pefectly parallel lines of straight topstitching, and is ideal for the professional insertion of zippers.
Embroidery Foot #15 With its oval shape and hopper mechanism with vertical spring, Embroidery Foot #15 is the perfect presser foot for all free-motion embroidery and darning projects.
Gathering Foot #16 Gathering Foot #16 is a wiz at gathering fabrics. If needed, it can sew a flat piece of fabric to a second piece of fabric while gathering the latter – in a single operation.
Button Sew-On Foot #18 Button Sew-On Foot #18 is the perfect tool for easy sewing of buttons, snap fasteners, eyelets and decorations.
Open Embroidery Foot #20 Open Embroidery Foot #20 is ideal for decorative stitching with your sewing machine. The indentation in the sole of the presser foot allows it to glide smoothly over dense stitches.
Open Embroidery Foot #20C Open Embroidery Foot #20C is ideal for embroidering with your sewing machine. The indentation in the sole of the presser foot allows it to glide smoothly over dense stitches.
Open Embroidery Foot #20D Open Embroidery Foot #20D is ideal for embroidering with your sewing machine. The indentation in the sole of the presser foot allows it to glide smoothly over dense stitches.
Open Embroidery Foot Sole #20 Open Embroidery Foot Sole #20 is ideal for decorative stitching with your sewing machine. The indentation in the sole of the presser foot allows it to glide smoothly over dense stitches.
Braiding Foot #21 Braiding Foot #21 is ideal for creating stylish couched-cord embellishments with a consistent stitch pattern.
Cording Foot with 3 Grooves #22 With its grooves and swing-out latch, Cording Foot with 3 Grooves #22 is ideal for the simultaneous couching of several strands of cording or yarns.
Appliqué Foot #23 Appliqué Foot #23 lets you sew even dense rows of stitches without a hitch – ideal for appliquéing and sewing mini-piping, as well as for traditional sewing techniques.
Free-Motion Embroidery Foot #24 Free-Motion Embroidery Foot #24 features a spring-loaded mechanism that prevents the fabric from pulling up with the needle (flagging) when embroidering.
Cording Foot with 5 Grooves #25 Cording Foot with 5 Grooves #25 is ideal for the simultaneous couching of several parallel strands of yarn or wool thread.
Drop-Shaped Embroidery Foot #26 Thanks to its special tear-drop shape, Drop-Shaped Embroidery Foot #26 allows you to embroider with the embroidery module and to darn delicate fabrics.
Embroidery Foot #26L Thanks to its special shape, the Embroidery Foot #26L allows you to embroider with the embroidery module and to darn delicate fabrics.
Quilting Foot #29 The vertical spring action of Quilting Foot #29 presses the foot firmly to your project, preventing the fabric from flagging and ensuring a neat stitch pattern.
Quilting Foot #29C The vertical spring action of Quilting Foot #29C presses the foot firmly to your project, preventing the fabric from flagging and ensuring a neat stitch pattern.
Pintuck Foot with 3 Grooves #30 Pintuck Foot with 3 Grooves #30 is used when sewing pintucks with a double needle. The grooves enable you to sew parallel tucks.
Pintuck Foot with 5 Grooves #31 Pintuck Foot with 5 Grooves #31 is specially suited to sewing pintucks on medium weight fabrics when using a double needle.
Pintuck Foot with 7 Grooves #32 Pintuck Foot with 7 Grooves #32 sews fine pintucks on light and medium weight fabrics and is a practical helper with smocking and entredeux.
Pintuck Foot with 9 Grooves #33 Pintuck Foot with 9 Grooves #33 is especially suited to sewing pintucks with a double needle on very delicate fabrics.
Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34 Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34 affords you a perfect view of the stitching and needle area. The markings on the sole enable you to sew very precisely.
Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34C Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34C affords you a perfect view of the stitching and needle area. The markings on the sole enable you to sew very precisely.
Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34D Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34D affords you a perfect view of the stitching and needle area. The markings on the sole enable you to sew very precisely.
Invisible Zipper Foot #35 The diagonal grooves of Invisible Zipper Foot #35 enable you to stitch zippers invisibly into the seams of garments and accessories.
Patchwork Foot #37 Patchwork Foot #37 features engraved markings for all your ¼” needs. The straight stitch opening is ideal for patchwork and precision sewing.
Patchwork Foot #37D Patchwork Foot #37D features special markings and a straight stitch opening and is ideal for patchwork and precision sewing.
Patchwork Foot Sole #37 Patchwork Foot Sole #37 features engraved markings for all your ¼” needs. The straight stitch opening is ideal for patchwork and precision sewing.
Piping Foot #38 The right side of Piping Foot #38 is higher than the left side, allowing it to ride more easily over thick layers of fabric and sew mini-piping and trim.
Embroidery Foot with Clear Sole #39 Embroidery Foot with Clear Sole #39 provides a clear view of the stitching area and is an expert in decorative stitch patterns, appliqué, and satin stitching.
Embroidery Foot with Clear Sole #39C Embroidery Foot with Clear Sole #39C provides a clear view of the stitching area and is an expert in decorative stitch patterns, appliqué, and satin stitching.
Sideways-Motion Foot #40C Sideways-Motion Foot #40C enables multi-directional sewing, and allows you to sew out large sideways motion stitch patterns.
Free-Motion Couching Foot #43 Free-Motion Couching Foot #43 couches ribbons, braid or cords directly onto the fabric, letting you sew in any direction you wish with the feed dog lowered.
Echo Quilting and CutWork Foot #44C Echo Quilting and CutWork Foot #44C is your expert for quilting and CutWork projects. It’s also the ideal foot for free-motion embroidery and thread painting.
Pintuck and Decorative Stitch Foot with Clear Sole #46C Pintuck and Decorative Stitch Foot with Clear Sole #46C makes it easier to sew pintucks, and can also be used for embellishing the finished pintucks.
Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide #50 Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide #50 is an indispensable aid when sewing difficult fabrics.
Red Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide #50 The Red Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide #50 is an indispensable aid when sewing difficult fabrics.
Roller Foot #51 Roller Foot #51 ensures even fabric feed on difficult fabrics. Thanks to its rollers, it glides easily over “sticky” materials.
Zigzag Foot with Non-Stick Sole #52 Thanks to its non-stick coating, Zigzag Foot with Non-Stick Sole #52 glides effortlessly over “sticky” materials such as leather, plastic or vinyl.
Zigzag Foot with Non-Stick Sole #52C Thanks to its non-stick coating, Zigzag Foot with Non-Stick Sole #52C glides effortlessly over “sticky” materials such as leather, plastic or vinyl.
Zigzag Foot with Non-Stick Sole #52D Thanks to its non-stick coating, Zigzag Foot with Non-Stick Sole #52D glides effortlessly over “sticky” materials such as leather, plastic or vinyl.
Straight Stitch Foot with Non-Stick Sole #53 Straight Stitch Foot with Non-Stick Sole #53 makes it easier to sew “sticky” materials, ensuring an even, pucker-free straight-stitch.
Zipper Foot with Non-Stick Sole #54 Zipper Foot with Non-Stick Sole #54 sews zippers to “sticky” fabrics, producing exactly parallel seams as it does so – thanks to its guide.
Leather Roller Foot #55 Leather Roller Foot #55 rolls over the fabric, enabling neat, even stitching on difficult or "sticky" surfaces.
Open Embroidery Foot with Non-Stick Sole #56 Open embroidery foot with sliding sole #56 is suitable for appliqués, Richelieu embroidery, or following patterns on “sticky” fabrics.
Patchwork Foot with Guide #57 Patchwork Foot with Guide #57 sews precise straight lines, and is ideally suited for sewing and patchwork projects.
Patchwork Foot with Guide #57D Patchwork Foot with Guide #57D sews precise straight lines, and is ideally suited for sewing and patchwork projects.
Double Cord Foot #59C The two 6-mm grooves in the sole of Double Cord Foot #59C enable the simultaneous couching of two parallel cords. This foot is also ideal for sewing piping.
Double Cord Foot #60C In addition to sewing piping, Double Cord Foot #60C enables the quick, even couching of two parallel strands of cording.
Zigzag Hemmer #61 Zigzag Hemmer #61 turns the fabric edge under twice and sews it with a zigzag stitch to produce a narrow, sturdy hem.
Straight Stitch Hemmer #62 The width of the channel in the sole of Straight Stitch Hemmer #62 corresponds to the width of the finished hem, making this presser foot ideal for narrow hems.
Straight Stitch Hemmer #64 With Straight Stitch Hemmer #64 the fabric edge is turned under twice and sewn with a straight-stitch to form a 4 mm wide, compact hem.
Zigzag Hemmer #66 By turning the fabric under twice, Zigzag Hemmer #66 enables precise stitching and a sturdy hem in medium weight fabrics.
Roll and Shell Hemmer #68 Roll and Shell Hemmer #68 is suitable for hemming soft fabrics. Its 2-mm guide produces a decorative three-dimensional hem.
Roll and Shell Hemmer #69 Roll and Shell Hemmer #69 is suitable for hemming soft fabrics, such as tricot T-shirts.
Lap Seam Foot #70 Lap Seam Foot #70 enables you to sew precise lapped and flat-felled seams in light and medium weight fabrics, and is also suitable for reversible clothing.
Lap Seam Foot #71 Lap Seam Foot #71 lets you sew up to 6 mm wide flat-felled seams in two steps on jeans and sportswear.
Adjustable Ruler Foot #72 This foot allows you to sew along Plexiglas rulers to create decorative quilt designs such as lines, feathers, circles etc.
Adjustable Ruler Foot with Slit #72S Thanks to the slit in the Adjustable Ruler Foot #72S, you can change a sewing foot without having to cut the thread. This allows an easy transition from Rulerwork to other applications.
Adjustable Stippling Foot #73 Free-motion quilting and embroidery with the Adjustable Stippling Foot #73 is pure pleasure. Very detailed quilting of small patterns becomes easier than ever.
Adjustable Gliding Cup Foot #74 The Adjustable Gliding Cup Foot #74 is a cup-shaped foot that aids in quilting around dimensional elements on a quilt. Easily quilt around or over raised and uneven seams and embellishments.
Ruffler #86 Ruffler #86 is specially suited to gathering and pleating fabrics. The density and depth of the pleats can be set.
Binder Attachment for Pre-Folded Bias Tape #87 Binder Attachment for Pre-Folded Bias Tape #87 enables you to produce even edge finishes with bias binding.
Binder Attachment for Unfolded Bias Tape #88 Binder Attachment for Unfolded Bias Tape #88 makes sewing neat, even edge finishes a cinch.
Binder Foot #95 Binder Foot #95 for Binder Attachment #87 and #88 makes it easier to sew edge finishes with bias binding.
Binder Foot #95C Binder Foot #95C for Binder Attachment #87 and #88 makes it easier to sew edge finishes with bias binding.
Pintuck Attachment The Pintuck Attachment makes it easier to sew full pintucks. This creates a beautiful raised effect.
Echo-quilting Clips These Echo-quilting Clips have been especially developed for quilting with the Adjustable Ruler Foot #72 and Ruler Foot #96.
Presser-foot Set Presser-foot Set contains special feet for sewing buttonholes and blind hems, for zippers, and for reverse-feed stitching.
Presser-foot Set D The Presser-foot Set D contains 5 selected presser feet enabling you to sew the most popular stitches and perform the most common sewing tasks.