Inspiration Magazine - Issue 1/2022

Inspiration Magazine - Issue 1/2022

Free downloads

  • Discover our embroidery projects for you to download
  • You will find the instructions in the magazine
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Here you can find the free downloads

Caps, a hit like never before!

Caps, a hit like never before!

This simple logo is inspiring, just right for a cap or bag. You can find the pattern for the cap in the Inspiration 1/2022

You will need:​

Embroidery File

Medium Hoop

Floral Highlights

Floral Highlights

Not only for denim jackets; the various floral designs will find a good place on every garment.

You will need:

Embroidery File

Medium Hoop

Jumbo Hoop

Bright Spring Design

Bright Spring Design

Less is more here, the colors shine on their own. Creating your own flowers is easy with BERNINA Embroidery Software 8.

You will need:

Embroidery File

Oval Hoop


Create and edit embroidery designs

Get creative with the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9, which lets you edit existing designs or create your own, apply special effects, add freehand drawing elements and turn images into embroidery designs in just one click.

Test the software for 30 days and start designing your own home decoration.

Download your free trial now

Doll Theater

Doll Theater

Even those who do not own the Jumbo Hoop can at least embroider the little faces of these cuddly dolls.

You will need:

Embroidery File

Medium Hoop

Jumbo Hoop


Get ready for Easter

Get ready for Easter

Who was first - chicken or egg? Whatever, in this zip-file are both. Whether as an Easter decoration or otherwise, the patterns are decorative in any case!

You will need:

Embroidery File
Oval Hoop

Stylish Finish

Stylish Finish

Hot Topic Upcycling: borders create that certain something on jeans hems or many other edges.

You will need:

Embroidery File

Jumbo Hoop

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