Inspiration Magazin Issue 75

Inspiration Magazin Issue 75

Free Downloads

  • Discover the embroidery projects for you to imitate from our Inspiration 75
  • All patterns can be easily realised with BERNINA embroidery machines
  • You will find the instructions in the magazine

Here you can find the free downloads

Picture: Inspiration 75

Stylish Floral Embroidery

Floral embroidery made of wool yarn looks great on many sewing projects. In Inspiration 75 you will find the cut of this simple jacket with sewing instructions as well as the matching small evening bag.

You will need:

Embroidery File  Oval Hoop 

Midi Hoop  Mega Hoop 

Picture: Inspiration 75

For a comfy home

Palm cushions, embroidered or with rhinestones, ensure a pleasant atmosphere even in winter. The latter are first produced with the BERNINA CrystalWork Tool as a template and filled with stones. Then, simply iron them onto the fabric using adhesive foil. 

You will need:​

Embroidery & CrystalWork Files 
Jumbo Hoop  

Create and edit embroidery designs

Get creative with the BERNINA Embroidery Software 9, which lets you edit existing designs or create your own, apply special effects, add freehand drawing elements and turn images into embroidery designs in just one click.

Test the software for 30 days and start designing your own home decoration.

Download your free trial now

Fluffy Coat by Vikisews 

The cut and instructions for this stylish coat are provided by designer Victoria Rakusa, a guest contributor to the Inspiration 75 magazine

Download Instructions

Download Patterns
Picture: Inspiration 75

Christmas Time

This year's Christmas decoration is completely embroidered. The angels, for example, are just put together after embroidering- simple as that!

You will need:​

Embroidery & CutWork File  Oval Hoop  Maxi Hoop

Picture: Inspiration 75

Perfect Moments Sticker

With the embroidery machine and the CutWork tool you can cut commercially available adhesive foils. The four knife positions give the lettering a light vintage character.

You will need:​

CutWork File  Maxi Hoop

Picture: Inspiration 75

Happy New Year!

You're invited to a New Year's Eve party? You can embroider and fold suitable souvenirs yourself and finish them at the last minute with just a few simple steps. These and other little things can be found in Inspiration 75.

You will need:​

Embroidery Files  Midi Hoop  Maxi Hoop

Many pages full of inspiration - just for you!

Great project ideas matching current trends with detailed sewing instructions and patterns. We can hardly wait to sew all the beautiful things. Get the current issue now!

to the inspiration 75