Where can I find the manuals for the firmware update and upgrade?
The information about improvements of B 770 QE firmware update can be found in the release notes. The new features and functions of the PLUS Upgrade for the B 770 QE are described in the user manual.
Both documents can be downloaded from the B 770 QE support page. The new features are also explained in a short video.
What is the difference between the update and the upgrade?
The firmware update is necessary to keep your machine up to date. The firmware update is free and includes improvements and bug fixes. You will find the firmware update on the support page of the B 770 QE*. If you have additional questions about the firmware update, check out our FAQ for the firmware update.
The upgrade is included in the PLUS Upgrade which can be purchased at your local dealer. The upgrade enhances the functionality of your sewing machine with new features.
How do I know if I have the latest firmware update for my B 770 QE* installed?
If you see the Machine ID and upgrade icon in the Setup, the latest firmware update is already installed. Otherwise install the firmware update with the help of the firmware update video.
How do I install the latest firmware update?
Watch our step-by-step video and see how easy it is to update your machine.
Where do I find the serial number?
You will find the serial number on the back of your machine.
Note: After having installed the latest firmware update, your machine will restart and will ask for the serial number. You must enter your serial number twice. The serial number has eight characters and is found on the back of your machine. Make sure that you type in the serial number correctly since it is not possible to change the number after entering.
Where do I find my machine ID?
After you install the latest firmware update, your machine will generate an ID number. The Machine ID can be located following this path on your machine. Setup > Machine Settings > Information > Machine ID.

Where do I find the Product Key for PLUS Upgrade?
You can find the Product Key in the packaging of the PLUS Upgrade.

What should I do when the Machine ID or Product Key are not valid?
If you receive the error message “The code you entered is invalid”, please check that you have entered the Machine ID and Product Key correctly. Make sure you haven’t mixed up the letter “I” with the number “1”.
*) This upgrade is compatible with B 770 QE, B 770 QE Tula Pink Special Edition, B 770 QE Anniversary Edition and B 765.